Monday, March 3, 2008

The Weekend Highlight

Some strange instant putting green set up at The Grove, in what we usually call The Big Grass. They were selling timeshares and swing analysis and other golfing lifestyle bullshit, but didn't bug us about any of it as I taught Zev what can only be described as the powerputt.

More big moments from the weekend:

  • Not running the LA Marathon. I'd spent much of last Fall preparing to do just that, but chucked that plan when I was up to a 10-mile long run. I just couldn't schedule it. But wow. Feeling so much better right now having NOT pounded up and down Figueroa for four hours yesterday.
  • Getting a haircut, already.
  • Getting the dog shaved, already.
  • Two half-way decent celeb sightings, in Lindsay Lohan and Jason Lee.
  • Marlo, Cheese, Chris, Monk and the boys finally, finally getting cuffed on THE WIRE.
  • Not working, watching or thinking about an awards show.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude. Snoop. Wow.

what is my life going to be like without Drunk McNuleh?